Support Residential Services Inc.
Friends of RSI give financial support to help ensure we can continue to meet our mission of providing innovative supports to people with disabilities.
Although RSI receives a large percentage of annual revenue through contracts with state and county human service agencies, this does not provide for all of the needs of the people we support. Government funding struggles to provide the minimum necessary to support people with disabilities in the community. It has often been private financial support that has allowed RSI to create new service options.
When RSI developed the first foster care homes in Northeast Minnesota for people with mental illness or traumatic brain injuries, it was private support that paid for the development and startup costs. RSI’s one-of-a-kind program for young adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders would never have been created if not for the support of private foundations and individual donors.
RSI is pioneering the use of new assistive technology in supported living settings to help people become more independent while maintaining safety and security. This project is being paid for through private donations.
Often, private donations to RSI allow us to provide residents with special equipment, such as electronic communication devices, electric switches for environmental controls, and assorted therapy, recreation and computer equipment.
This kind of equipment can make a big difference in a person’s life. Imagine being able to better express your needs or to turn on your stereo or lights by yourself. Think of how meaningful it would be to return to long-time leisure interests, like camping and fishing, or access the Internet, or to receive therapy to help maintain and develop new skills. All of these things are made possible because of private community support.
If you would like to become a Friend of RSI and contribute to our mission, please contact [email protected]. Your donation will help RSI continue to improve the lives of people with disabilities. Our board and staff thank all the Friends of RSI for their support.
Jon Nelson, Executive Director, RSI
The following are examples of ways to volunteer with RSI:
- In-house leisure activities: playing cards/games, knitting, sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, reading to/with, arts and crafts, baking, crossword puzzles
- Community events: go out for coffee, movie theater, shopping, walks, sightseeing, sports events, plays/theater, bird watching
- Special events: trips/vacations, dances, holiday parties, concerts
- Landscaping: gardening, lawn care
- Clerical projects
- Maintenance projects: painting, home repairs, remodeling
- Tutoring
- Religious/spiritual activities companionship
- Driving companion: simple transportation to and from groups, dances, social activities, recreational activities
Give online at GiveMN.
Contact us about volunteering.